Hindi words in English...used in Indian Kitchen

Many of us who reside outside India and have a jest for cooking often stumble across departmental stores in picking the rite stuff. That exact mis-translation spoilt my cooking plans the other day as I used something in stead of something else for my veg. khurma!! Result, I learnt a lesson to keep it posted for u all...here they are...

Hindi words used in Indian Kitchen

Hindi English Meaning
a.nDaa Egg
a.ngoor Grapes
a.njaleekaa Candied Peels
a.njeer fig
aaDoo Peach
aalobokhaaraa Plum ( Red )
aaloo Potato
aam Mango
aam adarak Mango ginger
aamlaa Indian gooseberry
aaTaa Whole wheat flour
achaar Pickle
adarak Ginger
ajmodaa Parsley
ajvaain Carom seeds
aKhroTh Walnuts
amarood Guava
ambadaa Roselle leaves
ambadee Sorrel leaves
amchoor Dried mango powder
amjoodaa kaa pattaa Parsley
anaanaas Pineapple
anaar Pomegranate
anaaradaanaa Pomegranate seeds
arahar kee daala Red gram split
Aravee kaa pattaa Colocassia leaves
ba.nda gobhee Cabbage
baadaama Almonds
baajaraa Millet
baajare kaa aaTaa Millet Flour
baasmatee Long Grain Rice
baDee ilaaichee Black cardamom
baDee ilaaichee Black Cardamoms
baDee sau.nf Fennel seeds
baghaara To temper oil with certain condiments
bai.ngana Brinjal, eggplant, aubergine
belan Rolling pin
bera Green Berry
besana Gram flour
besana boo.ndee Small fried savoury drops made from gramflour
bhe.n Lotus stem
bhejaa Sheep brain
bhi.nDee Lady finger
bhi.nDee ladyfinger, okra
bhunaa chanaa Roasted gram dal
biristaa Onion sliced fine and fried crisp
buTTaa Corn Cobs
Chaachi.ndaa Snake gourd
Chaawala Rice
Chaawala kaa aaTTaa Rice flour
Chakalaa Dough kneading plate, accompanies the belan
Chakkee Quern for grinding wheat into flour
Chaku.ndara Beetroot
Chanaa Bengal gram, whole
Chanaa daala Bengal gram, split
Chaulee White beans
Chaulee String beans
Cheenee Sugar
chha.ndee kaa varakh Silver foil
chhaachh Whey
Chhainaa Curdled milk
Chhilkaa Rind
Chhole Black eyed beans
ChhoTee elaaichee Green cardamom
chi.ngaree Prawns
Chilgozaa Pine Nuts
Chirau.njee Charoli
ChiwaDaa Pressed rice, Beaten rice
Chujora Tender leaves & flowers of tamarind.
copra Dry Coconut
daala Lentil
daalacheenee Cinnamon
dabala rotee Bread
dahee Curd/yogurt
daleeyaa Bengal gram roasted, puffed,split
dama Steaming
dekchee Vessel with a wide mouth
dhaneeyaa coriander/cilantro
dhaniaa Coriander
dhulee moo.nga daala Split Green Gram
doodha Milk
fiTkaree Alum
fool gobhee Cauliflower
foole chane Roasted gram
foolee haree chaawalee Sprouted beans
ful makhaana Lotus seeds,puff up while roasting
gaajara Carrots
Garam masaalaa A powdered mixture of Nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamon, cumin & cloves
gehoo.n Wheat
ghaee Clarified butter
ghaee Marrow
gheeaa White pumpkin/bottlegourd
gobaro Rock cod
gosht Mutton
gulaab Rose
gulaaba jal Rose water
gura Jaggery
guvar Cluster beans
haldee Turmeric
haraa dhaneeyaa Fresh coriander/cilantro leaves
haraa pyaaza Spring onions
haree Methee Fenugreek Leaves
haree mirch Green pepper/chilli
haTTeechak Artichoke
hee.ng Asafoetida
heenaa A paste of minced leaves that has an orange color when dry, applied on hands
ilaaichee Cardamoms
imlee Tamarind
jaitoon Olives
jardaaloo Apricots
jau.n barley
jau.n Barley
javi.ntaree Mace
jayaphala Nutmeg
jeeraa Cumin seeds
jhi.ngaa Prawns
juvaar Milo/millet
juvaar kaa aaTTaa Barley Flour
ka.nD Yam
ka.ndaa Onion
kaabulee chanaa Chick peas
kaajoo Cashewnuts
kaalaa chanaa Black gram
kaalaa namak Black pepper
kaalaa namak Rock Salt
kaalee ilaaichee Black Cardamoms
kaalee mirchee Black peppercorns
kachchaa aam Green mango/raw mango
Kachchaa kelaa Green banana/plantation or raw banana
kaDaahee Wide concave utensil used for frying
kaddoo pumpkin
kadeeaa A deep frying pan
kalau.njee Onion seeds
kalwaa Oysters
kamal kakDee Lotus stem
Karee pattaa Curry leaves
karelaa Bitter gourd
KaTahal Jackfruit
kaToree A small bowl
kaun Raw mango
keemaa Minced meat
kekaDaa Crabs
kelaa Banana
keree Raw Mango
kesar Saffron
KewaDaa essence/flavor added to desserts for fragrance
khajoor Dates
khameer Yeast
kharaboojaa Cantalopue/musk melon
khas khas Poppy seeds
khaTTee Sour
kheeraa Cucumber
khopara Dry coconut
khoyaa Dried residue of boiled milk
khumba Mushroom
khurmaanee Apricot
kismish Raisins
Kofta Meat or veg balls
Koondru/Tendli Gherkins
koThameer Fresh coriander/cilantro leaves
kuaar ga.nDhal Aloe
kukuramuTTaa Mushroom
kulTee Horse Gram
Kurmura Rice puffed
Kushka Cooked rice
laal mirachee Red chillies
lahasun Garlic
lassee Buttermilk
lau.ng Cloves
laukee White pumpkin/bottlegourd
lavaa.ng Cloves
li.nmboo Sour lime
lobiaa Black eyed beans
ma.nkyo Squids
maavaa Dried residue of boiled milk
machchee Fish
machchlee Fish
maDuaa Ragi
maidaa Flour
makhaana Lotus seeds,puff up while roasting
makhkhan Butter
makkaee Corn/Maize
makkaee Kaa aaTTa Corn Meal
makkee Corn/Maize
malaaee Clotted cream
masoor dal Lentil
maTh Brown color lentil
maThThaa Buttermilk
maTkee Brown color lentil, a pot
maTTar Peas
meeThaa Sweet
meeThaa ni.mboo Lemon
meh.ndee A paste of minced leaves that has an orange color when dry, applied on hands
methee Fenugreek
methee daanaa Fenugreek seeds
mevaa mixture of dry fruits
mirachee Hot pepper/Chilies
moo.ng Green color lentil
moo.ng daal Green color lentil
moo.ng falee Groundnuts/peanuts
moolee Radish
moolee kaa saag Radish leaves
moree Shark
moTee ilaaichee Black Cardamoms
mumurae Puffed Rice
murg Chicken
musa.mbee Sweet lime
naara.ngee Orange
naareeyal Coconut
naashpatee Pear
naaspatee Pear
namak Salt
nee.mboo Lemon
neem Margosa
ni.mboo Lemon
ni.mbooDaa Lemon
pa.mpleT Pomfret
paalak Spinach
paapadhar Sodium benzoate
paapidi Broad beans
paneer Indian cheese
paneera Curdled milk
papeetaa Papaya
paraat Wide shallow plate upturned sloping edges
pateelaa Cooking pots for boiling water or milk
pattaa bhaajee Leafy Vegetables
pattaa gobhee Cabbage
peThaa Ashgourd
phanas Jackfruit
phraa.ns beena French beans
pissi Shakkar Castor Sugar
pistaa Pistachios
pohaa Rice pressed
pudeenaa Mint
pyaaz Onion
raaee Mustard seeds
raajamaah Kidney bean
rane Red snapper
rataaloo Yam
ravaa Semolina
rawas Indian salmon(fish)
sa.nchal Black pepper
sa.ngtam Catfish
sa.ntaraa Orange
saaboodaanaa Sago
saabut masaalaa Whole condiments
Saagodaanaa Sago
sabut moo.ng daal Whole Green Gram
safed jeeraa White Cumin Seeds
sahijaa.n Drumstick
salaad bhaajee Lettuce
saraso.n Green mustard
sares Gelatin
sarso.n kaa tel Mustard oil
sau.nfa Aniseed
saugee Raisins
seb Apple
seekh skewer
seetaafal Custard apple
sem Beans
sem Runner beans
sem falee Beans
sevaee Vermicelli
shaah jeeroo Caraway seed
shaahee Royal
shahad Honey
shakkar Sugar
shakkarka.nd Sweet potato
shakkarka.ndee Sweet potato
shakkartetee Sugar melon
shalgam Turnip
sheeraa Sugar syrup
shevto Mullet
shi.mlaa mirch Capsicum/bell pepper
shi.ngaaDaa Water chestnut
shimlaa aaloo Tapioca
shorbaa Stock/soup
sin.daa namak Rock Salt
sirkaa Vinegar
so.nTh ginger, dry
soDaa Baking powder
soojee Semolina
sookhaa dhaneeaa Dry coriander/cilantro seeds
sooran Yam
surmaee Kingfish
suwaa Anise, golden brown aromatic seed
suwaa bhaajee Dill
Ta.ndoor Traditional clay oven
taDakaa Tempering
TamaaTar Tomato
tarabooja Watermelon
tarbooz Watermelon
tavaa Griddle plate used for indirect grilling
te.nDlee A vegetable of the size of gerkins
tejapattaa Bay leaves
tel Oil
thaalee Wide plate used for eating serving
ti.nDolaa A vegetable of the size of gerkins
til Sesame seeds
til kaa tel Sesame oil
tisario Clams
to.nDlee A vegetable of the size of gerkins
toor Pigeon peas
toor daal Red gram split
toree zucchini/Ridge gourd
tri.nbadaree Strawberry
tulsee Basil
turaee zucchini/Ridge gourd
urad Black gram
urad daal Black gram, split
val Field beans
vanaspatee Vegetable Oil
varakh Silver foil
zameen kha.nD Yam elephant
zetoon Olive
Zetoon Ka Tel Olive Oil


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