An Open Letter to Chrish Mathew, MSNBC host!!
An Open Letter to Chrish Mathew, MSNBC host!!
I am not an American Citizen but I was watching Hardball yesterday. Having said that, I was upset by the bias nature of your journalism quality & your spontaneous questions to an Obama supporter (I am sorry to forget his name…I think he is a senator) demanding to list out Obama’s legislative accomplishments justify your biased reporting skills!!! The poor democratic senator was clueless and might he be an innocent supporter of Obama swept and inspired by his oratory. It happens when you invite a guest for discussing winning strategies and end him up by asking policy issues!!! True that your questions were substantial…but they proved me that along with the frustrated Clintons & Patrick J. Buchanan, Chrish Mathew is bewildered!!! Here is a list of Obama’s legislative achievements for your perusal. I would be happy if you could be more honest to your viewers by asking the right questions to right people. The following facts are straight from the Senate records and claims authenticity too: (I have tried to make a comparison)
Senator Obama:
Now, I would post those of Obama's, but the list is too substantive, so I'll mainly categorize. During the first (8) eight years of his elected service he sponsored over 820 bills. He introduced
233 regarding healthcare reform,
125 on poverty and public assistance,
112 crime fighting bills,
97 economic bills,
60 human rights and anti-discrimination bills,
21 ethics reform bills,
15 gun control,
6 veterans affairs and many others.
His first year in the U.S. Senate, he authored 152 bills and co-sponsored another 427. These included:
**the Coburn-Obama Government Transparency Act of 2006 (became law),
**The Lugar-Obama Nuclear Non-proliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act, (became law),
**The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act, passed the Senate,
**The 2007 Government Ethics Bill, (became law),
**The Protection Against Excessive Executive Compensation Bill, (In committee), and many more.
In all since enter the U.S. Senate, Senator Obama has written 890 bills and co-sponsored another 1096.
Senator Clinton:
Senator Clinton, who has served only one full term (6yrs.), and another year campaigning, has managed to author and pass into law, (20) twenty pieces of legislation in her first six years.
These bills can be found on the website of the Library of Congress (, but to save you trouble, I'll post them here for you.
1. Establish the Kate Mullany National Historic Site.
2. Support the goals and ideals of Better Hearing and Speech Month.
3. Recognize the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.
4. Name courthouse after Thurgood Marshall.
5. Name courthouse after James L. Watson.
6. Name post office after Jonn A. O'Shea.
7. Designate Aug. 7, 2003, as National Purple Heart Recognition Day.
8. Support the goals and ideals of National Purple Heart Recognition Day.
9. Honor the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton on the bicentennial of his death.
10. Congratulate the Syracuse Univ. Orange Men's Lacrosse Team on winning the championship.
11. Congratulate the Le Moyne College Dolphins Men's Lacrosse Team on winning the championship.
12. Establish the 225th Anniversary of the American Revolution Commemorative Program.
13. Name post office after Sergeant Riayan A. Tejeda.
14. Honor Shirley Chisholm for her service to the nation and express condolences on her death.
15. Honor John J. Downing, Brian Fahey, and Harry Ford, firefighters who lost their lives on duty.
Only five of Clinton's bills are more substantive.
16. Extend period of unemployment assistance to victims of 9/11.
17. Pay for city projects in response to 9/11
18. Assist landmine victims in other countries.
19. Assist family caregivers in accessing affordable respite care.
20. Designate part of the National Forest System in Puerto Rico as protected in the wilderness preservation system.
I am surprised, if someone like me who is not an American citizen can remember all these facts, why concerned & educated American citizens like you shouldn’t speak the truth? For your fans’ shake, Chrish, you should speak of these facts loudly!!
If capturing the independent voter is of any concern to the Democratic Party, I can assure you that as a Republican-leaning independent, I will vote for Barack Obama if he is the Democratic nominee running against John McCain but I will not vote for Hillary Clinton.
A person's character is shaped and tested by their experiences which is why our next President's character should matter as much if not more than their experience.
1969 - While Barack Obama was being raised by a single mother and experiencing a life of racial and cultural diversity, Hillary Clinton was learning the art of triangulation and writing an admiring college thesis on Saul Alinsky whose fifth rule of political agitation was, 'Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.'
1979 - While Barack Obama was actively involved in the South African divestment movement to end apartheid, Hillary was reaping profits of almost 10,000% in the futures markets and leaving taxpayers with her real-estate losses in the Savings & Loan bailout.
1989 - While Barack Obama served as the Harvard Law Review's first black president in its 104 year history, Hillary Clinton then wife of the Arkansas governor was receiving payments from a law firm that was doing the state's business and receiving board of director payments from Wal-Mart where she remained silent about Wal-Mart's anti-labor union practices.
1999 - While Barack Obama was securing bipartisan support for health-care reform and passage of low-income tax credits and child care subsidies in the Illinois legislature, Hillary Clinton was urging her husband to bomb Yugoslavia and supporting his Iraq 'regime change' policy in order to divert public attention from the president's marital, legal and ethical infidelities.
2007 - While Barack was promoting a restoration of balance between work and wealth and criticizing special interests for distorting U.S. tax codes, Hillary and her husband were liquidating their blind trust of the nearly $50 million amassed during their years in public office.
On the issues, Hillary Clinton's positions have always been based on political expediency with the goal of being president. Like her husband, Hillary has no attachment to any position, no leadership qualities and no legal, ethical or moral compass to guide her. Also like her husband, she will need to rely on the polls to guide her to a position.
The latest version of Hillary Clinton may be trying to spin the conversation in the direction the economy but where was all her infamous wisdom and foresight when during her husband's administration the seeds of the subprime housing scandal were being sown and flourishing and her husband supported China's entry into the World Trade Organization without any conditions such as protecting the environment or labor and property rights to levels that are comparable to western standards.
Today China is not only a leading contributor to environmental pollution and global warming (thank you very much Mr. Nobel Laureate, Al Gore), it is also pushing up oil and other commodity prices, taking our jobs and stealing our intellectual property.
Barack Obama possesses the leadership, principles and visionary qualities of character needed to unite and not divide our country as the global economy teeters on the brink of economic meltdown not unlike the Great Depression.
Afterall the Roaring Twenties decade that preceded the Great Depression, like the Irrational Nineties that preceded our current decade, were both a golden age for technology, scandal-plagued politicians, corporate greed, and unrestrained personal debt and speculation.